World Languages Placement Guide

Review the information below to determine the world languages course for your skill level. No matter your previous experience, we have courses that will challenge you and improve your world language skills.

Studying World Languages at FLCC

We offer courses in Spanish, French, and American Sign Language (ASL) at multiple levels of proficiency. By accurately assessing your skill level, you'll be able to avoid being placed in a course that is too easy or too difficult for you. Our goal is to provide you with a challenging yet enjoyable learning experience that will enable you to achieve your language learning goals.

General Placement Guidelines

Use the following information to determine which world language course to take at FLCC:

  • If the language you typically use at home is Spanish, French, or ASL, take 203.
  • If you use English at home and have not formally studied another language in the last three years, take 101.

Formal Language Study in the Past Three Years

Use this chart to determine your placement if you've taken any of the following courses in high school or college in the last three years.

Highest Language Course Completed Final Grade in Previous Course FLCC World Languages Course Placement

Spanish / French / ASL I

Below 85%


Spanish / French / ASL I

85% or higher


Spanish / French / ASL II

Below 85%


Spanish / French / ASL II

85% or higher


Spanish / French / ASL III

Below 85%


Spanish / French / ASL III

85% or higher


Spanish / French / ASL IV

Below 85%


Spanish / French / ASL IV

85% or higher


Spanish / French V

Below 85%


Spanish / French V

85% or higher


Questions? Speak with Your Academic Advisor

If you need help determining the appropriate placement for your language courses, reach out to your academic advisor.