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What can we help you find?

An FLCC student visiting the Center for Student Well-Being.

Student Basic Needs

Life happens. Emergencies happen. We're here to help. If you're experiencing an urgent situation that could get in the way of you completing your education, come see us in the Office of Community Standards and Counseling.

FLCC offers assistance with food and transportation expenses, as well as referrals to community agencies. Additionally, a limited emergency fund is available for students experiencing a financial emergency.

Student Emergency Fund

FLCC has limited student emergency funds, sponsored by the FLCC Foundation, for students who experience a financial emergency that jeopardizes their ability to continue attending FLCC.

Student Emergency Funds are NOT a financial aid early disbursal program. It is intended for extreme cases and should be viewed as a last resort after all other options are exhausted.

The Process

  • An application is required; submitting an application does not guarantee approval.
  • You are required to submit your application to us electronically.
  • You must be enrolled and registered for classes in the semester for which you are applying for funds.
  • All applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis and are approved by a committee.
  • There is a 24-72 hour waiting period. We will contact you with the decision.
  • Funds are not given in cash.
  • If you receive a Dr. Barbara A. Etzel Student Emergency Loan, you will be required to sign a repayment letter prior to the disbursement of funds.
  • If approved for a Dr. Barbara A. Etzel Student Emergency Loan, a hold will be placed on your account restricting all activities (grades, transcripts, registration, etc.) until it has been repaid.
  • If you receive a Dr. Barbara A. Etzel Student Emergency Loan, you will be required to repay your balance either with financial aid funds or through a payment plan.
  • You may receive a maximum of 2 disbursements of student emergency funding during your FLCC career.

Emergency Fund Application

The staff reserves the right to apply additional restrictions if deemed appropriate.

Food Cupboard and Services

It's hard to learn when you are hungry. To help, FLCC has an on-campus food cupboard that provides students with enough nonperishable food for 3 meals a day for 3 days. Students can choose what food they would like and access the food cupboard twice per semester. Additionally, we refer students to local food pantries and services available in the community, to SNAP, and when available, provide a hot meal to students with $10 cafeteria gift cards.

For assistance, visit us in Room 3260.

Food Cupboard Request Form

Local Food Pantries and Services

Transportation Expenses

It's hard to learn when you are not in class. If you are having difficulty getting to class, the Community Standards & Counseling office provides assistance with transportation expenses, bus passes, and $10 gas cards. Students are able to access this help twice per semester.

For assistance, visit us in Room 3260.

Flick's Place

Our stuff is your stuff! We understand how expensive it is to live on your own. If you need assistance, we are here to help you find what you need!

Visit Flick's Place

Room: 3260


Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Walk-In Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Please contact us by email or phone. Appointments Preferred. Schedule online.

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