Health and Wellness Support Services
The Center for Student Well-Being offers a wide range of health and wellness services at no cost to FLCC students. All services are offered with a registered nurse or family nurse practitioner. Review the resources below to find the support your need to meet your educational goals. Stop by or schedule an appointment anytime.
Student Health Services
FLCC offers free services for the prevention and treatment of health problems that may impact your academic success or personal well-being. Review the full list of student health services available to FLCC students online.
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Counseling and Mental Health
Counseling is available on a one-to-one basis for students who wish to discuss personal issues affecting their academic experience. Schedule an appointment through Starfish to meet with a counselor.
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Student Basic Needs
FLCC offers assistance with food, transportation, housing, and other basic human needs. Review our support services and programs to find the support you need to continue your education without interruptions.
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Community Standards
FLCC promotes a safe and positive learning environment in and out of the classroom. All students are expected to maintain our community standards. Learn about your rights and responsibilities as a student here.
Community StandardsEmpire State Service Corps
Paid public service opportunities for SUNY students are now available through the Empire State Service Corps. Make a difference in K-12 tutoring, basic needs outreach, peer mental health, sustainability, bias prevention, civic engagement, or FAFSA completion.
Immunization Requirements
If you plan to take in-person courses, participate in on-campus activities, or live at The Suites at Laker Landing, you must submit proof of immunity against Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), and Meningococcal Meningitis (or complete a waiver form). COVID-19, influenza, and mpox vaccinations are strongly encouraged for students.
Virtual Care from Anywhere
TimelyCare provides access to virtual 24/7 medical and mental health care from anywhere with no cost to enrolled students! Get on-demand support from counselors, doctors, and more. Services include unlimited medical, TalkNow, psychiatry (with referral), and health coaching visits, and up to 12 counseling appointments.
Learn more and activate your free account today: download this guide, watch a demo video, or visit the TimelyCare website.
FLCC Reporting Options
Use this form to report bias, policy violations, misconduct, and other concerning behavior at FLCC.
Staff are Here to Help
The Center for Student Well-Being assists with issues related to health & wellness, basic needs, and more.
Student Well-Being Resources
Mon - Thu: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.