Student Health Programs
Wellness care, prevention, treatment, and counseling are provided under the direction of a registered nurse. Use the student health portal to schedule a visit for common illnesses (colds and flu), injuries, mental health concerns, and healthy living consultations.
You can quit smoking. All the tools are here.
Choose what works for you and do it your way:
- Visit Student Health Services and revel in support and compassion.
- Bring a Quit Buddy. You may bring your roommate, classmate, best friend, or sweetheart. Research shows (and students tell us) that students with a support system can have an easier time becoming smoke-free.
- Phone alone. Call your compassionate Student Health nurse for an assessment and Quit Plan.
- Access help online. The Truth Initiative has developed innovative and interactive tools to help you quit using nicotine. The National Cancer Institute sponsors online and phone help. Visit or call 1-877-44U-QUIT (1-877-448-7848).
Who is Eligible for the Smoking Cessation Program at FLCC?
All FLCC students are eligible for assistance from Student Health Services. You can bring along your Quit Buddy, even if your support person is not a student. Your friends are our friends.
How to Get Started
- Stop by Student Health Services and make an appointment
- Call (585)785-1297 and leave a message with Student Health Services
- Send us a message through the FLCC Student Health Portal, and we will respond to you
FLCC Promotes Student Health
Student Health Services offers personal and confidential wellness care, health counseling, and care of health problems, as well as direct, accessible, low-cost medical care referrals. We also provide alcohol, drug, and violence prevention, including brief alcohol/drug educational counseling, screening, intervention, and referral for any student in need.
Our office works in conjunction with all campus departments to promote students working with the community in positive ways and celebrating life without the abuse of alcohol, drugs, and other destructive activities.
Warning Signs & When to Get Help
Difficulty adjusting to college life, unexplained crying, bursts of anger or irritability, dramatic drop-off in academic performance, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, desire to avoid the company of others, use of alcohol/drugs to cope, disrupted sleep or other disturbing changes are warning signs for developing health problems.
If you experience any of these, call Student Health Services at (585) 785-1297. We will help you any way we can!
Student Health Services is responsible for compliance with the New York State Immunization Law. Visit our Immunization Requirements page for detailed information.
If you plan to register for an in-person course, participate in on-campus activities, or live at The Suites at Laker Landing, you must submit proof of immunity against Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), and Meningococcal Meningitis (or complete a waiver form). COVID-19, influenza, and mpox vaccinations are strongly encouraged for students.
Virtual Care from Anywhere
TimelyCare provides access to virtual 24/7 medical and mental health care from anywhere with no cost to enrolled students! Get on-demand support from counselors, doctors, and more. Services include unlimited medical, TalkNow, psychiatry (with referral), and health coaching visits, and up to 12 counseling appointments.
Learn more and activate your free account today: download this guide, watch a demo video, or visit the TimelyCare website.
FLCC Reporting Options
Use this form to report bias, policy violations, misconduct, and other concerning behavior at FLCC.
Staff are Here to Help
The Center for Student Well-Being assists with issues related to health & wellness, basic needs, and more.
Student Well-Being Resources
Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Provider Hours
Mon, Wed, Thu: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Tue, Fri: 9 a.m. - noon
In-person appointments available; call or schedule through Starfish.