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What can we help you find?

Safety: Prevention & Response

FLCC has a variety of resources available to support you if you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment or stalking.

The College is open to the public and not every person you will encounter will always be trustworthy. Situations such as sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, and failure to consent to sexual activity, are taken seriously. If you witness someone being victimized, call 911 immediately.

What is Affirmative Consent?

Affirmative Consent is a knowing, voluntary, and mutual decision among all participants to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions create clear permission regarding willingness to engage in the sexual activity. Learn more.

Take Action

It's On Us Stop Sexual Assault Pledge Button.

If you are made aware of someone who has been previously victimized, document the details and take action! If you are uncertain of your options or simply need help, report the incident to Campus Police or local law enforcement by calling (585)785-1900 or 911. A range of services, resources, and mechanisms for victims are available. Finger Lakes Community College can take a number of measures against a complainant (either a current student or community member) even during the investigation period. For a complete listing of possible courses of action, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct.

Resources Available for Students

Please use the chart below as a reference to provide a quick guide on agencies on and off campus that can assist victims.

Resource Name Seeking Info & Support Counseling Seeking Informal Remedies* Bringing a Formal Complaint** Confidentiality Level***
Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes
Hot lines:
Seneca & Ontario: 800-247-7273
Yates: 315-536-2897

(provides advice & assistance)

(provides advice & assistance)
Victim Resource Center of the Finger Lakes, Inc.
Hot line: 800-456-1172

(provides advice & assistance)

(provides advice & assistance)
FLCC Student Services Counselors
Educational and Career Planning
Phone: 585-785-1270
Room 1115
FLCC Student Health Services
Phone: 585-785-1297
Room 3815
FLCC Community Standards and Counseling
Phone: 585-785-1211
Room 1155
Campus Police
Phone: 585-785-1900
Room 2202
FLCC Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Sarah Whiffen
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Phone: 585-785-1284
Room 2153

Seeking Informal Remedies*

These services may assist with providing general information.

Bringing a Formal Complaint**

These Services will assist with providing guidance and direction on filing formal complaints both on and off campus.

Confidentiality Level***

Confidential - Except for extreme circumstances, such as health or safety emergencies, cannot re-disclose any information provided by a reporting individual.

Semi-Confidential - Not obligated to disclose personally identifiable information to police or campus officials but required by law to provide aggregate data (time, location, and general incident information) to the Title IX Coordinator.

Private - Will limit disclosure as much as possible while complying with law and policy requiring notification of Title IX Co-Coordinators or designee of all known details.

SUNY Student Conduct Institute Member

FLCC is an institutional member of the SUNY Student Conduct Institute. These trainings equip staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to handle Title IX compliance effectively, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all students. 

Contact Us

Campus Police

Room: 2202


Emergency: CALL 911

Campus Police personnel are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Staff Contacts