BIO 223 - Pathophysiology

This course is designed for students who wish to apply their knowledge of physiology to disease states occurring across the lifespan. The course will consist of a review of the normal functioning of selected body systems, and then analysis of pathological function during disease of those systems and standard treatment for these pathological conditions.Prerequisite: Take BIO-172 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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BIO 224 - Dendrology and Field Botany

Field study, identification and natural history of non-woody and woody plant species and the communities to which they belong. Uses of forest trees by humans and wildlife is emphasized.

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BIO 230 - Microbiology

The course is designed to give the student a broad understanding of microbiology covering areas of microbial structure and function, growth, metabolism, genetics, control of microorganisms, principles of immunology, diseases of man and selected aspects of applied microbiology. The laboratory will give the student an appreciation of the problems and methods involved with culturing and identification of microorganisms.Prerequisite: Take BIO-121 & BIO-122 or BIO-171 & BIO-172 with a Minimum

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BIO 240 - Principles of Genetics

A course designed to introduce the student to the aspects of modern genetics. Topics will include: gene structure and function, Mendelian genetics, gene expression, recombinant DNA technology, population genetics with attention given to human aspects and applications.Prerequisite: Take BIO-121 or BIO-171 with a Mimimum Grade of C-, Co-requisite: Co-requiste: BIO-241.

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BIO 241 - Laboratory in Genetics

A laboratory offering to compliment BIO 240. This course provides a variety of laboratory experiences including classical, morphological, and molecular genetics., Co-requisite: Co-requisite: BIO-240.

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BIO 246 - Limnology

An introduction to the scientific study of inland waters, limnology concerns itself with all the factors that affect living populations within those waters. Through lecture and field experiences, the student will become familiar with physical and chemical processes in water, especially those that have a direct effect on biological organisms. Standard methods and highly technical instrumentation will be used on board the college's educational vessel. A survey of life forms and identification skills will be emphasized as well as aquatic community structure and interactions.

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BIO 246L - Limnology Lab

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BIO 251 - Plant Structure and Function

This course is an integrated approach to the study of plant anatomy and physiology dealing with both the total plant and its constituent parts. Emphasis is on plant growth, development and regulatory mechanisms. The student will follow the growth of a plant from germination to maturity, examining its anatomical and physiological development.Prerequisite: Take BIO-121 or BIO-125 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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BIO 265 - Kinesiology and Myology II

Lecture and laboratory course designed to acquaint students with the detailed study of the major muscles of the upper torso and extremities of the body and their function. Focus will be placed on the origin, insertion, action, innervations, and range of motion of specific muscles. This course includes the study of name, shape, and location of bones and tendons as well as their related joints.Prerequisite: Take BIO-165 with a Minimum Grade of C

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BIO 283 - Electrophoresis

A laboratory module introducing the student to polyacrylamide and agarose gel electrophoresis. Seven weekly laboratory exercises (3 hours each).Prerequisite: Take BIO-121 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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