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What can we help you find?

Workforce & Career Solutions

Develop your career skills for current and future employment, or improve the job-specific skills, engagement, and leadership of your workforce. From general to specific fields, including manufacturing and health care, FLCC is your source for professional development.

Workforce Programs

A career training participant in medical lab coat pouring liquid into vials.

Reimagine Your Career

Are you looking to change careers, upskill, or move in a different direction? Let FLCC help you reimagine your options and move into a high-growth, stable industry. We can match you with a fulfilling career that fits your skills and interests.

Explore Career Options
Two individuals working at a machine operating control panel.

GRIT Local Career Training

Earn industry-recognized credentials at one of six convenient locations through our Growing Rural Infrastructure Together (GRIT) program. Choose from three professional career pathways, with funding options that make the program free for many participants.

Learn More About GRIT

Workforce Courses

A manufacturing machinist student in front of several pieces of equipment.

Manufacturing Paths

Gain current skills in the quickly-growing Advanced Manufacturing field.

  • Advanced Manufacturing Machinist
  • Certified Production Technician (CPT)
  • Mechatronic Technology

Manufacturing Paths

Healthcare professional students working with a patient

Health Care Paths

Courses exceed NYS requirements and have placement rates of over 90%!

  • Certified Nursing Assistant
  • Medical Administrative Assistant
  • Phlebotomy Technician

Health Care Paths

Business professionals creating presentation materials as part of a training workshop.

Workforce Development

This onsite, customized employee training is focused on job-specific skills, team building, or advancement skills. Safety, conflict resolution, customer service, and supervisory skills are common topics.

Workforce Development

Students conducting research on library computers.

Professional Development

Gain transportable skills and recognized credentials in a variety of career fields. Learning takes place on your own time and at your own pace!

Professional Development

Students writing in a classroom setting.

Community Education

Learn locally! Educational opportunities are available at FLCC's campus centers throughout the Finger Lakes region.

Community Education

A student working from home on a laptop computer.

Online Course Catalog

Through partnerships with nationally-recognized providers, a wide variety of online courses and trainings are available to you.

Online Course Catalog