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Disability Services Student and Parent Guide

Transitioning from High School to College

High School College

Students have a Resource Room or Guided Study Hall, where they receive focusing prompts and constant reminders of upcoming assignments, tests, and due dates.

Students have to plan time in their day to utilize the tutoring services or Academic Strategies appointments. Students have to keep track of their own assignments, tests, and due dates. Students are not given focusing prompts, even if they are in a tutoring space.

Students show up on test day, and everything is prepared for them.

Students have to submit a test request to test with accommodations
Teachers provide their notes for students who receive notetaking assistance as an accommodation. Notetaking assistance consists of having access to instructor slides, using recording devices, or using the GLEAN notetaking application.
Students don't have to know the name of their disability (or disabilities) or their limitations because this information is all specified in their IEP or 504 plan and psychological evaluations, which are shared with instructors. It is important for students to know their academic limitation(s) and what to call their disability for self-advocacy purposes (to the Disability Services office only—other College officials cannot inquire about that information).

Parents and/or guardians have a lot of involvement.

Parents and/or guardians are not usually involved in the accommodations process.
  • Services provided under high school documentation (IEP or 504 plan) do not necessarily transfer to college services.  Most testing modifications will transfer, but in-class accommodations may significantly differ. 
  • Disability Services does not provide diagnostic testing at this time.
  • Higher education institutions do not provide personal aid. However, students who require a personal aid/attendant may continue this service of their own accord.  As a courtesy, please notify Disability Services if a personal aide will be attending classes with you so that we can notify instructors. 
  • Please review our Eligibility and Requirements to see if you are eligible for Disability Services accommodations.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Fill out and submit the Student Disclosure Form.
  2. Submit documentation of a diagnosis/disability, or schedule a consultation meeting with the Coordinator of Disability Services.
  3. The Coordinator of Disability Services will review the paperwork and consultation notes to determine the appropriate accommodations and adjustments. The approved accommodations will be listed on an Accommodation Notification form, which will be sent to students the week before the start of the upcoming semester. Note: if you register with our office after a semester has already begun, you will receive the Accommodation Notification within a few days of submitting your paperwork.
  4. It is the student's responsibility to share the Accommodation Notification with instructors so that they can begin utilizing the approved accommodations and adjustments.
  5. Students will receive an updated version of their Accommodation Notification (via email) at the start of each semester. There is no need to resubmit paperwork after this point unless additional accommodations or adjustments are requested.

More Resources

Community Resources

Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Provides services for people who are either blind or visually impaired.

New York Center for Disability Services
Provides support and resources for people with disabilities.

Provides assistance that supports employment and independent living.

Autism UP
Provides support services designed to aid individuals with autism.

Differences between High School and College

Learn about the differences between high school and college support services and what assistance is available at FLCC.

Watch Video

Room: 3580


Mon-Thu: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Please contact us by email or phone to set up an appointment.

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