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Grievance Policy

Finger Lakes Community College does not discriminate in its employment and educational processes. Read our Services to Students with Disabilities Policy Statement to learn more about how we protect students with disabilities against discrimination.

Grievance Procedure: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step Procedure

Step 1:

Informal Grievance

The student is encouraged to resolve the complaint directly with faculty, staff, or department.

Disability Services are available to offer problem-solving strategies.

Step 2:

File Formal Grievance

If you are not satisfied with outcome of step 1, submit the grievance in writing to the office of the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs (AVP),, within 30 days of the issue which caused the complaint. Student may meet with AVP, or designee selected by the AVP, to discuss the grievance if that's the preferred method of reporting. AVP will notify the Disability Services Review Board of the grievance and will coordinate a meeting/hearing date, within 10 working days.

The Disability Services Review Board will review all information and evidence of the grievance. At the close of the meeting/hearing, the Board shall deliberate to determine the result of the grievance. The AVP will notify student of the result in writing within 10 working days of completing the review process.

Note: Students have the right to submit evidence in support of the grievance.

Step 3:

Provost Review

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of step 2, you can request a Provost review. In this process, a summary of the review and related information is submitted to Provost of the College within five working days of subcommittee's decision. The Provost provides the student and Disability Services Review Board with a decision within 10 working days. This decision is final.

If all efforts at Finger Lakes Community College have been exhausted and the student is not satisfied with the findings or believes the issue remains unresolved, they have the right to file a grievance with the Federal Department of Justice, Office of Civil Rights

Room: 3580


Mon-Thu: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Please contact us by email or phone to set up an appointment.

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