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What can we help you find?

Disability Services

Disability Services creates an accessible learning environment by removing barriers for the full inclusion of people with disabilities. We provide equal access to college programs and activities for all students through strategic services, technology, and campus partnerships.

Accommodations and Academic Adjustments

The range of accommodations and academic adjustments we offer may include but are not limited to:

  • Testing accommodations — extra time, reduced distraction
  • Alternative text format — large print, braille, audiobooks
  • Assistive technology — text-to-speech, voice typing, transcription, magnifiers, FM systems
  • Notetaking assistance — access to instructor slides, use of recording devices, GLEAN notetaking application
  • Educational Coaching — time management, study strategies, organization, accountability, social skill development

Note: FLCC does not provide personal aides or attendants.

Forms and Applications

Disabilities Services Application

Complete a Student Disclosure Form to begin the accommodations process. Please be prepared to provide documentation of a diagnosis or disability, or to schedule a consultation with the Disability Services Coordinator.

Student Disclosure Form

Test Accommodation Requests

Complete a Test Accommodation Request Form at least one week before each test. Advanced notice ensures we have time to arrange appropriate adjustments. Accommodations are available for both in-person exams and online exams.

Test Accommodations Form

Areas of Refuge for Individuals with a Disability

In an emergency requiring building evacuation, people with mobility issues may not be able to evacuate without help. There are designated areas of refuge that provide protection where individuals with mobility issues may wait until assistance is available from emergency responders. Learn more about our Areas of Refuge.

Voter Registration

Voter registration services are available at the Disability Services office. In addition, detailed voter registration information and application forms are available on our Voter Registration website.

Community Resources

Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Provides services for people who are either blind or visually impaired.

New York Center for Disability Services
Provides support and resources for people with disabilities.

Provides assistance that supports employment and independent living.

Autism UP
Provides support services designed to aid individuals with autism.

Room: 3580


Mon-Thu: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Please contact us by email or phone to set up an appointment.

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