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Transferring Credits to FLCC

Learning takes place in and out of the classroom. Your previous studies, work or military experience, or test scores may count toward your education requirements. Your prior learning experience could mean that you'll reach your goals even faster.

Prior Learning Experience

You may have earned college credit in many ways. This includes advanced placement high school courses, pursuit of personal interests, travel, service in the armed forces, independent study, professional development, or work experience. Explore your options for transferring credits to FLCC for your prior learning experience.

  • If you are a new or returning student and have earned college credit from other institution(s), you must submit official college transcript(s) to the Admissions Office when you apply or re-activate your enrollment at FLCC. Once we receive your official transcripts, the Student Records Office will complete a transfer credit evaluation.

    When you begin at FLCC, you'll get a credit evaluation showing how many transfer credits you've earned for your degree program.

    What type of previous college credit will transfer?

    Transfer credit is awarded from colleges and universities that are recognized by an appropriate accrediting agency, such as Middle States Commission on Higher Education, The American Council on Education (ACE), NYS Board of Regents, etc. College-level work completed at an accredited, degree-granting institution will be evaluated for applicable credit. Evaluation of credit appropriate for transfer is done on an individual basis. Grades of "C-" and higher are considered for transfer if the coursework meets degree requirements.

    Grades for courses completed at other colleges and universities will not be used to compute your cumulative grade point average at FLCC.

    What if I have questions about my transfer credit evaluation?

    Contact the FLCC Student Records Office at (585)785-1675.

  • Credits may be accepted for transfer credit from non-accredited colleges and universities; evaluation for transfer credit will be made on a course-by-course basis.

    Training that has been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) may be transferred as college credit based on ACE recommendations.

    Individuals who have served in the military should submit a Joint Services transcript to the Admissions Office for evaluation. All military credit/experience is considered for possible transfer credit based on its applicability to the individual's chosen degree program. ACE recommendations are used as a primary source of determination, but ACE recommendations are not required for consideration. DD214 forms will be evaluated for Health/Physical Education credit

  • Students may transfer college credits to FLCC that were earned through College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject or General Exams, Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST), Excelsior College Exams (formerly Regents College Examinations), Departmental Challenge Examinations, and high school Advance Placement (AP). A maximum of 32 credit hours may be granted to a matriculated student through any combination of the above.

    How can I apply my examination credit to my FLCC transcript?

    If you have earned college credit through one of the examination methods above (except departmental exams), you must submit an official examination grade report to the Student Records Office for evaluation. If you have questions about the applicability of credit for a specific exam to a degree program, contact the Student Records Office.

    Examination credit (except for Departmental Challenge Exams) is not included in the minimum of 32 credits required to earn an FLCC degree and is not used to calculate a student's grade point average.

    FLCC utilizes the ACE (American Council on Education) recommendations for minimum score, number, and type of credits awarded, for these examination programs:

    Departmental Challenge exams may be offered for college credit at the discretion of the individual department for any course that is not represented in the other approved examination programs. The exact nature of the examination is the responsibility of the academic department. If you are interested in taking a departmental examination, consult with the respective department chairperson.

  • Portfolio Review credit may be applied toward a degree program for knowledge gained through specific life experiences that result in learning outcomes equivalent to coursework at FLCC.

    To receive credit through the Portfolio review process, students will provide substantive evidence that course learning outcomes have been achieved by completing a portfolio. Students must be matriculated before the portfolio review occurs. In addition, students will be responsible for a fee as established by the Board of Trustees. The number of credits that can be earned in this manner is limited to twelve. Portfolio review credit is not counted toward residency requirements, is not used in calculating a student's grade point average, and is included in the maximum allowable transfer credit.

    Interested students can contact the appropriate Department Chairperson for more information and to obtain the Portfolio Proposal form.

  • Articulated Credit allows students to receive college credit for having completed programs that do not award college credit. Credit will only be given for the approved articulation agreements as given below and the credit is subject to the following conditions:

    1. Students must be matriculated before credit will be awarded.
    2. Articulated credit is not counted toward residency requirements.
    3. Articulated credit is included in the maximum allowable transfer credit.
    4. Articulated credit is not used in calculating a student's grade point average.

    To obtain articulated credit for one of the following complete a Credit Conversion Form and bring it with proof of completion to the FLCC One Stop Center.

    Non-Credit Program FLCC Transfer Credit
    ServSafe Manager Course - provide proof of completion and pass the exam within the last five years
    • CUL 120 Foodservice Sanitation (1cr)
    ACEN LPN Program - provide proof of completion within the past two years with an average of 84, B, or 3.0 or better in nursing courses
    • NUR 100 Fundamentals of Nursing (6cr)
    FLCC Non-Credit Mechatronic Technology Training program - provide proof of successful completion
    • TECH 116 Intro to Emerging Technologies (3cr)
    FLCC Non-Credit Advanced Manufacturing Machinist program - provide proof of successful completion
    • TECH 116 Intro to Emerging Technologies (3cr)
    • MET 101 Material Science (3cr)
    • TECH 250 Technology Co-op (6cr)
    NYS Department of Health Bureau of EMS Course - provide proof of successful completion and a valid card
    • EMCR 200 Emergency Medical Technician (6cr)
    NYS Police Officer Academy - provide proof of successful completion
    • Criminal Justice electives (13cr)
    FLCC CNA Training Program - provide proof of successful completion with an 80% or higher
    • HSC 153 Career Opportunities Health Care (3cr)
    • SSC 200 Intro to Gerontology (3cr)
    Military Service - provide a copy of DD-214
    • HPE 001 Physical Education Elective (2cr)
    First Aid and Basic Life Support - provide proof of American Heart Assoc./Red Cross/National Safety Council First Aid Certification & Basic Life Support for the Healthcare provider certification through the American Heart Association
    • HPE 111 First Aid and Basic Life Support (1cr)
    EMCC Health Program - provide official transcript or letter of completion for EMCC Professional Health Careers program & certification of first aid and basic life support in compliance with the American Heart Association
    • HPE 111 First Aid and Basic Life Support (1cr)
    EMCC Professional Health Careers Program - Eastern Monroe Career Center Professional Health Careers two-year program, and matriculate into the AS Health Care Studies program. Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Health Careers Program and American Heart Association First Aid and Basic Life Support card
    • HPE 111 First Aid and Basic Life Support (1cr)
    • HPE 212 Health (3cr)
    HPE214 Articulation for Nursing Majors - successful completion of an accredited LPN, RN, or NP program
    • HPE 214 Advanced First Aid (3cr)
    Criminal Justice-BOCES - complete a two-year criminal justice program at a NYS BOCES and matriculate into the AAS Criminal Justice program at FLCC
    • Criminal Justice electives (3cr)

    HPE Credit for RNs, LPNs, and NPs - Provide a certificate or diploma indicating completion of an LPN, RN, or NP program.

    • HPE 214 Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED (3cr)

    Criminal Justice-WEMOCO BOCES 2 - Provide a letter or official transcript that indicates completion of the New Visions Justice Careers program and, if applicable, an official Monroe Community College transcript.

    • CJC 001 Criminal Justice Elective (3cr)
    Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES Graphic Media Production Program – Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Graphic Media Production Program
    • ART 104 Design I (3cr)
    • ART 115 Computer Imaging (3cr)
    Edison Tech Advertising Design – Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Advertising Design Program
    • ART 104 Design I (3cr)
    • ART 115 Computer Imaging (3cr)
    Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Pre-Engineering and CADD – Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Pre-Engineering and CADD Program.
    • SST 116 Intro to Careers in High-Tech Ecosystems (3cr)
    Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Product Design and Manufacturing – Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Product Design & Manufacturing Program
    • SST 116 Intro to Careers in High-Tech Ecosystems (3cr)
    Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Early Childhood - Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Early Childhood Program
    • SSC 125 Foundations of Childcare (3cr)
    Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Audio Visual Production - Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Audio Visual Production Program with a minimum of a B average. Must submit a portfolio that faculty deem proficient
    • COM 123 Video Production I (4cr)
    • DIG 110 Digital Photography (3cr)
    Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Media Communications Technology - Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Media Communications Technology Program with a minimum of a B average. Must submit a portfolio that faculty deem proficient
    • DIG 100 Intro to Digital Media (3cr)
    • DIG 110 Digital Photography (3cr)
    EMCC Advanced Manufacturing and Machining - Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Advanced Manufacturing and Machining Program. Upon grade review
    • SST 116 Intro to Careers in High-Tech Ecosystems (3cr)
    • SST 250 Cyber-physical Automation Technology Co-Op (270 work hours) (6cr)
    Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES Summer Advanced Manufacturing Experience (SAME) - Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the SAME Program
    • SST 116 Intro to Careers in High-Tech Ecosystems (3cr)
    New York State Corrections Academy (state or local corrections) – Provide a certificate from the NYS Corrections Academy
    • CJC 001 Criminal Justice electives (9cr)

    Rochester City School District Virtual Business Administration Program - Provide an official transcript indicating completion of the Virtual Business Administration Program

    • BUS 222 Marketing (3cr)
  • FLCC's High School and Homeschool Programs

    Many high school students enroll in college courses while in high school. FLCC has several program options for high school and homeschool students who are looking to get a head start on college.

    If you've completed FLCC courses through these programs, you do not need to request a transcript. Your grades are already here.

    High School and Homeschool Programs at Other Colleges

    For students who have completed college courses through a different college or university, you’ll need to request an official transcript from the registrar at that institution.

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