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Your FLCC transcript is a permanent record of all the undergraduate courses you've completed with us. To protect your privacy, we can only release your transcript with your written permission, which aligns with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. If you need a copy, follow the steps below. 

Order Your Official FLCC Transcript

FLCC has partnered with Parchment to manage the ordering, processing, and secure delivery of official transcripts.

Official transcript requests cost $5 (plus applicable taxes) per address/email address requested. Order online via Parchment and pay with a credit or debit card.

Parchment Benefits:

  • Secure online access to request your transcripts 24/7
  • Email/text notifications when your transcript is processed and received
  • Online tracking
  • The option to request secure online or USPS delivery of your transcript

Order a Transcript on Parchment

Need an Unofficial Transcript?

An unofficial copy of your FLCC transcript contains the same coursework information as your official transcript but is not suitable for transmission to third parties for purposes of transfer or evidence of course/degree completion.

A copy of your unofficial transcript can be obtained on MyFLCC (select the Academics tab, then "Unofficial Transcript"). If you do not know or remember your FLCC username or password, please visit the MyFLCC support page for instructions on logging in to MyFLCC.

You can also obtain a copy of your unofficial transcript by completing and returning this Unofficial Transcript Request form.

Unofficial transcripts are provided free of charge.

One Stop Center

Contact Us

One Stop Center

Room: 1045


Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Walk-ins Welcome.

Remote Services are currently available. Please contact us by email or phone.