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Student Accounts FAQs

Q: What is a student account?

A: A student account is simply the charges and payments related to a student's registration. A student bill or invoice is a summary of a student's account.

Q: When will I get my student bill?

A: A student's semester bill is generated based upon their registration. Billing for Fall semester will begin in early July for students who have pre-registered. Billing for Spring semester will begin in mid-November for students who have pre-registered.

Q: What are the payment deadlines for each semester?

A: The payment deadline is listed on the top right hand side of the student bill. Generally, the Fall semester bill is due around the last Wednesday in July. The Spring semester bill is due around mid-December. After the semester payment deadlines, all payments are due at the time of registration.

For Summer and Jan Plan semesters, all payments are due at the time of registration.

Q: What are FLCC tuition and fees schedules?

A: Tuition and fees are payable at registration according to the payment schedule released by the College. The tuition and fees figures listed on the schedule below may be changed prior to the opening of the College academic year. The responsibility for payment of tuition and fees rests upon the student. The student's course schedule will be cancelled for the appropriate semester if the established due dates for payment are not met. View Tuition & Fees Schedule

Q: Why do I need a Certificate of Residence?


  • A Certificate of Residence verifies that you have been a New York State resident for one year prior to your registration date for the semester. Certificate(s) also state your county(ies) of residence for the past six months. Students registering without a Certificate of Residence will be charged Out-of-State (double) tuition.

  • Certificates are valid when issued within 60 days prior to the student's registration date and 30 days after the start of classes. Certificates are valid for one year from the date of issuance. Updated Certificates are required each year.

Ontario County Residents: Your Certificate of Residence Affirmation can be accessed through your To-Do list at MyFLCC. Once your affirmation is submitted, the Out-of-County tuition premium will be removed from your bill.

Non-Ontario County Residents: Download and print theAffidavit and Application for a Certificate of Residence. Submit this form to your county to receive your Certificate of Residence. Submit your Certificate of Residence to the Office of Student Accounts or the One Stop Center as soon as you receive it. If you have questions about obtaining the Certificate, contact your County Treasurer or the One Stop Center at (585) 785-1000.

Non-New York State Resident: If you have not been a permanent legal resident of New York State for the year prior to the start of classes, you must pay Out-of-State tuition.

Q: What are my payment options?

A: PAYMENTS (Credit & Credit-Free Courses)

  • Tuition and fees are due and payable at the time of registration. Once you have registered for a course, you are responsible for payment.

  • Payment may be made in cash, check or money order (made payable to FLCC or Finger Lakes Community College), Discover card, VISA or MasterCard. The name of the student and the authorized cardholder must be the same. However, if the cardholder is not the student, a signed authorization from the cardholder permitting use of the account is required. Download the Credit Card Authorization Form in Adobe Acrobat Format

Q: My tuition and fees are deferred. Will I owe any money if I drop a class or withdraw from college?


  • Students registering for courses who are granted a deferral (through the Financial Aid Office, employer's unconditional written guarantee of payment or agency's deferral) are ultimately responsible to fulfill their financial obligation to the College.

  • Students who are granted deferrals and who later drop courses or who later withdraw from FLCC will reduce or lose their aid and will be directly responsible to pay the tuition and fees due at the time of drop or withdrawal. You must drop the course ONE-BUSINESS DAY PRIOR TO THE START OF SEMESTER IN ORDER TO REDUCE THE TUITION AND FEE CHARGES. Please refer to the FLCC catalog for further information.

  • Visit Refund Policies to view the Schedule of Tuition Charges for Deferrals (All applicable fees are charged upon registration-there is no pro-rating of fees).

Q: How do I drop a course or withdraw from the college?


Q: What are your refund policies?

A: See our Refunds Policy page for details on refunds based on the type of courses your enrolled in.

Q: I owe money from a previous term. Can I register?


If your account becomes delinquent and is not resolved with the Student Accounts office, you will not be able to register for the next semester. It is the policy of the College to assign delinquent accounts to a collection agency. Students with delinquent accounts with the College may be denied the privilege of pre-registering for the next semester. Students will be responsible for the outstanding balance, PLUS all the late payment fees, collection agency fees in the range of 33.33% to 66.67%, court costs and attorney fees. Furthermore, the collection agency will notify all credit reporting agencies of your outstanding debt. It is therefore, important and to your advantage to pay account balances in full when they are due.

Q: I am a Veteran. What should I do to defer my bill?


Visit Veteran Benefits to review this information.

Q: What is your tuition deferral policy if my Sponsor will cover my semester bill in full or in part?

Third-party sponsored students are those who will have all or a portion of their tuition and/or fees paid by an outside agency, such as an employer, governmental agency, military, etc. Students or sponsors must submit the Memorandum of Agreement of Sponsorship

All authorizations must be submitted to the Student Accounts Office prior to the tuition due date in order to defer tuition and fees and have them billed directly to the sponsor.  If the sponsor is not paying the entire tuition and fee cost, the student must pay the remaining balance before the tuition due date.

The third-party sponsor will be billed after the drop/add period. Payment will be due upon receipt.  If your sponsor fails to pay the agreed amount, the charges will be reapplied to your student account, and you will be responsible for payment.

Q: When will I receive my Form 1098T for Hope and Lifelong Learning Tax Credits?


The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 created the Hope Tax Credit and Lifelong Learning Tax Credits. These are credits that taxpayers can take on their federal returns for tuition and fees paid by students in a calendar year. For information on eligibility, please consult your tax accountant. Colleges are required to issue documentation by January 31 of the tuition and fees paid by students in the preceding calendar year. For additional information, please refer to the following web sites:

One Stop Center

Room: 1070


Mon–Thur: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.