Reverse Transfer

If you began your studies at FLCC and transferred on to a SUNY or non-SUNY four-year college without completing your associate degree, we have good news for you. With reverse transfer, you may be eligible to transfer the credits you earned at a four-year school back to FLCC. With the combination of credits you have accrued at the two-year and four-year levels, you may qualify to earn your associate degree.

The Reverse Transfer Process

Whether you are transferring credits to us from a SUNY or non-SUNY school after taking classes at FLCC, we will review all courses you have completed to determine if the credits you earned meet the requirements for an associate degree. If you have accumulated at least 32 credits of your degree requirements at FLCC, below are the next steps you'll take to see if you can transfer classes in from other schools for credit toward your two-year degree.

SUNY Credits

Did you transfer to a SUNY four-year institution from FLCC without completing your associate degree? If so, you can transfer credits from a SUNY four-year institution back to FLCC and request a review to determine if the combination of your credits meets the requirements for you to earn your associate degree. For more information and to submit a reverse transfer request, visit

Use your FLCC username and password to log in to the Reverse Transfer portal and submit a request.

SUNY Reverse Transfer Request

Non-SUNY Four-Year School Credits

If you earned credits at a non-SUNY four-year institution after taking classes at FLCC, our Student Records office will evaluate your accumulated credits to determine if you meet the requirements to receive your associate degree through reverse transfer.

Non-SUNY Reverse Transfer Credit Evaluation

Contact Us

One Stop Center
Room 1045
(585) 785-1000
(585) 785-1735

Mon: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tue: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Wed: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Walk Ins Welcome.

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One Stop Services

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