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Certain courses require that you have met prerequisites in order to add that course to your schedule. These courses are identified by the word "Prerequisite" at the end of the course description in MyFLCC and in the College Catalog. The primary purpose of prerequisites and co-requisites is to ensure students possess the necessary knowledge and/or skills to be academically successful.

Prerequisites may be successful completion of one or more college level course, a minimum placement test score, and/or a minimum grade in a prerequisite course. You may add a course section even if you have not completed the course prerequisite provided you are currently registered for the prerequisite course.

If you do not successfully complete the prerequisite course, the course that required the prerequisite will be dropped from your schedule within five (5) calendar days of the start of the term.

Except where noted, "successful completion" is defined by a grade of "C-" or better in the prerequisite course. Grades that are not acceptable are "D+," "D," "D-," "F," “I,” “W,” or "Q".

Did not take the Prerequisite at FLCC?

If you did not take the prerequisite course at FLCC, you may still be able to register if one of the following circumstances apply:

Prerequisite Completed Elsewhere:

If you completed the course at another college, or have either IB or AP credit, please send your unofficial transcript/grade record to the One Stop Center. Please include your FLCC ID number, and the course number of the course you are attempting to register for.

NOTE: If you require credit for completion of the Prerequisite Course, you must request an Official Transcript, or Grade Report be sent to the Student Records Office.

Faculty Approval:

If you have obtained faculty approval to register for the course, based on your comfort level and experience with the course content area, please forward the approval to the One Stop Center. Faculty approval may be in the format of an e-mail, or a signature on a registration form.

Contact Us

One Stop Center

Room: 1045


Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Walk-ins Welcome.

Remote Services are currently available. Please contact us by email or phone.