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SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention Campus Climate Survey

Consistent with New York State Education Law 129-B and policies of The State University of New York, FLCC participated in the 2023 University-wide Biennial SUNY Uniform Campus Climate Survey.

The survey gathered information about student and employee experience with sexual and interpersonal violence and knowledge of policies and resources. 194 students and 123 employees completed the survey, for response rates of 6.5% and 26%, respectively. Not all questions were answered by each respondent. Results are reported according to the total number of survey completers.

  • 62.9% of students responding (122 of 194) and 87.8% of employees (108 of 123) know of the college policies and procedures specifically addressing sexual assault.
  • 28.9% of students responding (56 of 194) and 73.2% of employees (90 of 123) know how to contact the Title IX Coordinator.
  • 63.4% of students responding (123 of 194) know the definition of affirmative consent.
  • 74.7% of students responding (145 of 194) know that someone who is incapacitated cannot provide consent.
  • 47.9% of students responding (93 of 194) know the difference between the college disciplinary process and the criminal justice system.

In the survey, students were asked as series of questions related to sexual harassment that they had experienced within the past year.

The responses were as follows:

  • 50% (97 out of 194) stated they had not experienced unwanted sexual comments, sexual slurs, or demeaning jokes.
  • 67.5% (131 out of 194) stated they were not aware of anyone viewing their sexual activity or nakedness without consent, or taking explicit pictures or recordings without consent.
  • 56.2% (109 out of 194) stated they did not receive unwanted sexually suggestive digital communications, either words or images or both, including emails, texts, social media communications or in letters or other written communications.

In the survey, students were asked a series of questions relating to sexual assault that they had experienced during the past year.

The responses were as follows:

  • 61.9% (120 of 194) stated no one fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of their body without consent.
  • 66.5% (129 of 194) did not have anyone remove any of their clothes without consent.
  • 67.5% (131 of 194) did not have anyone perform oral sex on them and was not forced to perform oral sex without consent.
  • 67% (130 of 194) did not have anyone sexually penetrate them or was not made to penetrate without consent.

Finger Lakes Community College, working with SUNY and community colleagues (including students, faculty, and staff), will use these data to improve response to violence, develop prevention programs, and will continue to study the issue. The next SVP Campus Climate Survey will be administered in Spring 2025. More information about the survey is available at

Biennial SUNY Uniform Campus Climate Survey 

If you have any questions about the survey or its results, please feel free to contact:

Dr. Debora Ortloff
Chief Officer for Assessment, Planning and Continuous Improvement
Phone (585) 785-1351


Sarah Whiffen, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Room 2153, (585) 785-1284

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