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ArtSpace36 opens summer exhibit June 17

CommunityFeatured Events
June 15, 2022 By Lenore Friend

The exhibit will feature soft sculptures by Anna Warfield exploring themes of sexuality, femininity, ownership, language, and voice.

Letters made with pink fabric on light pink background

Finger Lakes Community College’s downtown gallery, ArtSpace36, will open a soft sculpture exhibit by Anna Warfield on Friday, June 17.

Hours are Thursday through Saturday from 2 to 6 p.m. at the gallery at 36 S. Main St., Canandaigua. The show runs through Sept. 30. A closing reception will be held in September.

Warfield uses words made with fabric to turn ideas about femininity around.

In her artist’s statement, she writes: “In working with both fiber and text, I address complexities in sexuality, femininity, ownership, language, and voice. The materials serve to further complicate the picture. Beyond employing ‘women’s work’ in the service of an unabashedly feminist voice, the fibrous materials also initially cause the works to read like comfort objects – squishable and soft – before revealing themselves to be explicit, demanding, or contorted.”

Warfield holds bachelor’s degrees in fine arts and communication, both from Cornell University, where she has been invited back multiple times to guest lecture. In 2019, Warfield was recognized by the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce for her work in the arts and notable impact on the wider community as a young professional with a HYPE Award.

For information about the gallery, visit