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Educational Opportunity Program

The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is a state-funded initiative that provides access, support, and financial aid to qualifying students who show potential to succeed in college.

Now accepting EOP applications for Fall 2025. Review the eligibility requirements and complete the EOP application form to get started.

EOP Support Services & Benefits

Participating in the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) provides enhanced academic support for under-prepared students:

  • Extended Summer Orientation: A three-week program introducing you to college life and FLCC student support services.
  • Tutoring Program: Professional tutors provide 1-on-1 support for your academic coursework at no cost.
  • Personal Academic Counseling: EOP counselors help you discover interests, meet expectations, and plan for your future.
  • Financial Aid: The EOP provides a small grant for education expenses and up to ten semesters of New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), based on need.
  • EOP/HEOP Transfer: Transfer to participating New York State colleges and universities as an (H)EOP student.
  • Graduate Tuition Waiver: Graduate Opportunity Program Tuition Waiver for EOP, HEOP, and SEEK program graduates.

EOP Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for EOP, you must:

  • Be a New York State resident.
  • Be a first-time student (or previously enrolled in an EOP).
  • Be admitted to one of our degree programs.
  • Register as a full-time student (12 or more credits).
  • Meet academic and income guidelines (outlined below).
  • The table below presents financial eligibility requirements for EOP admission for the 2025-26 academic year. To qualify as economically disadvantaged, your household income must not exceed the amount shown for its size. Some exceptions apply.

    For students entering college during the 2025-2026 academic year, total annual income in calendar year 2023 must not exceed:

    Household Size Total Annual Income
    1 $26,973
    2 $36,482
    3 $45,991
    4 $55,500
    5 $65,009
    6 $74,518
    7 $84,027
    8 $93,536*

    *For larger households, add $9,509 for each additional person.

    Income Guidelines Do Not Apply If:

    • The student's family is the recipient of Family Assistance or Safety Net payments through the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, or a county Department of Social Services, or Family Day Care payments through the New York State Office of Children and Family Assistance
    • The student is in foster care as established by the court
    • The student is a ward of the state or county.

    Financial Eligibility Documentation for EOP Admission

    We need proof of all family income to verify your eligibility for EOP. This includes your total annual income from all sources, taxable and non-taxable. Dependent students (by financial aid standards) must provide income documents for themselves and their parents. We may request additional information after receiving your FAFSA, tax returns, and other documents to finalize your eligibility.

    Please send the required documents to the EOP Office. If the Financial Aid Office has copies of income documents, the EOP Office does not need a second copy.

    EOP Financial Eligibility Review Screening

    Students who request consideration for SUNY's Arthur O. Eve Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) on their application for admission must complete an EOP Financial Eligibility Review screening to determine whether you meet the financial eligibility requirements.

    You will be directed to the EOP Financial Eligibility Review portal after indicating your interest for consideration for EOP and have completed the application for admission, whether using the SUNY application, the Common application or applying to a SUNY campus that uses their own campus application for admission.

  • EOP students must show evidence of academic under-preparedness to the Admissions Office. Approved documentation includes:

    • Graduating from an accredited high school:
      • with an average grade of 70-85, or
      • in a vocational program, or
      • lacking courses required for your college program (i.e., math and science courses).
    • Earning a high school equivalency diploma (GED).
    • Be a non-high school graduate enrolled in the Ability to Benefit Program, allowing you to receive a GED by completing 24 college credits.

    We can also consider other evidence of under-preparedness. This includes the need for prerequisite or developmental courses as a result of basic skills testing.

EOP Application Process

Students who meet the following criteria receive priority consideration:

  • Provide evidence of historical, educational, and financial disadvantage.
  • Show potential to be successful with EOP support.
  • Complete application and income verification as soon as possible.

EOP eligibility does not guarantee admission to the program. SUNY funds and administers EOP and can only admit a certain number of students per year. EOP admissions close once we reach the maximum enrollment for each semester.

Space is limited. Please apply early to secure your seat. Contact the EOP Office at any time with questions relating to EOP admission.

  • If you meet the eligibility requirements above, follow these steps to apply for the EOP:

    • Apply for admission to FLCC.
    • File your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and Express TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) applications.
    • Complete and submit your EOP application.
    • Complete and return all necessary financial documentation.
    • Attend the extended summer orientation program.
  • Note: You are eligible for EOP if you are a resident of New York State and were enrolled in a similar post-secondary opportunity program elsewhere (i.e., EOP, HEOP, SEEK, or College Discovery).

  • Note: You are eligible to re-enter the EOP if you were previously admitted to FLCC as an EOP student.

Room: 3543


Email for an appointment.

Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.