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SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology

An introduction to the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology's subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to education, from religion to the state, from the divisions of race, gender, and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture and its concomitant subcultures, and from social stability to radical upheavals in societies. The diverse subject matter located within this course, is situated contextually within a social justice framework that is meant to unify the study of these diverse subjects of study which is sociology's purpose particularly toward understanding how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by surrounding cultural and social structures. This examination which includes studying aspects of marginalization, exploitation, oppression, disenfranchisement, and disempowerment within and between social groups centers this course as one that distinctly combines sociological inquiry with an investigation of topics that are important to understanding diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. This course carries SUNY General Education Social Sciences and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice credit.