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PSY 255 - Research Methods in Psychology

This course is the culmination of the AS degree in psychology. It will facilitate the hands-on exploration of scientific methods employed in the field of psychology and guide the conceptualization, design, creation, and execution of a semester-long project. The course will require students to examine, evaluate, and synthesize the knowledge and skills learned to this point, and to construct a meaningful reflective narrative of themselves as learners. It will also provide the opportunity to apply various topics within the field, (e.g. consciousness, motivation, learning, memory, cognition, etc.) in order to explain an aspect of behavior, or to propose a solution to a problem or challenge in the community. Students must matriculated in the AS Psychology degree program and have completed three semesters of coursework in the major. In addition, students are required to present a minimum of two semester-long projects (e.g., literature reviews, research design projects) from previous psychology coursework.