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HIS 269 - The United States Since 1945

This course focuses on "America's Century," from its victorious participation in the Second World War, through its rise to global political, military, economic and cultural preeminence during the Cold War, to the present. Using a variety of media and striking a judicious balance between foreign policy and domestic developments, this course covers the events, personalities and issues that have shaped Modern America. Major topics include, WWII, birth of the atomic age, McCarthyism, the mass consumer society of the 1950s, Cold War crises in Berlin, Cuba, Korea and Vietnam, LBJ's "Great Society," civil rights movement, Nixon and Watergate, the space race, Ford-Carter Years, Reagan Revolution, Clinton's Middle Way, America after 9/11 and the Obama presidency. Prerequisite: Take ENG-101 with a Minimum Grade of C-

  • History
  • 3 Credit(s)
  • (3) Contact Hour(s)