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HIS 206 - North American Indian History & Culture

This course introduces students to the historical and cultural experiences of the various indigenous populations of North America. Additionally, special emphasis will be given to a number of specific indigenous groups within the 10 cultural regions of North America as we examine this topic from a compassionate yet unromanticized historiographical and cultural perspective. In short, we will work from the premise that Native Americans were active participants in producing that past, both before and after the European contact as opposed to being solely victims of oppression; we do this in order to gain a greater appreciation for their rich and diverse history and cultural status today. Through the lens of anthropology and history, this course will discuss and examine the various native cultures of North America including their origins and cultural development through time; the underlying similarities and the wide range of variability within these native societies; the impact of European cultural systems on these groups, and finally, we examine Native American societies as they are today. This course carries SUNY General Education World History and Global Awareness AND Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice credit. Prerequisite: Take ENG-101 with a Minimum Grade of C-

  • History
  • 3 Credit(s)
  • (3) Contact Hour(s)