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ENG 230 - Perspectives on Tolkien

The lasting influence and power of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings saga is undeniable - and seeing more mainstream success only with the release of a critically acclaimed series of films and an award-winning massively multiplayer online game. The purpose of this course is to look critically at such things as the books, the films, the game, and other 'versions' to explore how different media handle the same material. We will, as a class, discuss such issues as character and plot development, themes and literary elements, story-telling styles, cultural and historical contexts, benefits and limitations of various media, identity and role-playing games, and the role of audience in storytelling. Placing three different media into socio-cultural contexts will allow us to explore such issues as the role of story-teller, the importance of the visual, and the role of 'game' in today's society. Students in this class can expect to engage in activities such as reading the novels, watching the films, playing the game, writing, discussing and participating in individual and/or group projects that delve into the Tolkien's work and the power of translation. Prerequisite: Take ENG-102 with a Minimum Grade of C-

  • English
  • 3 Credit(s)
  • (3) Contact Hour(s)