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BIO 291 - Research Methods in Biology

Under supervision of biology faculty mentors, students will select a research project, write a literature review and research proposal, conduct preliminary experiments, and write a research report. Research methods and experimental design will be emphasized, including the location and study of articles from the professional literature. The undergraduate research projects will help students develop valuable research skills, and it will provide students with an opportunity to apply scientific knowledge in the context of "real world" problems. Participation will also open up opportunities for students to take part in analyzing data and conducting field research. One 2-hour lecture period, and 4 hours of laboratory work per week. Students must also schedule time for consultation with the supervising faculty member. Prerequisite: Take BIO-121 and BIO-122 with a Minimum Grade of C-

  • Biology
  • 3 Credit(s)
  • (2-4) Contact Hour(s)