THE 200 - Directing Workshop

A workshop in directing techniques with emphasis on play interpretation, casting, stage movement, character development, rehearsals and performance.Prerequisite: Take THE102 with a Minimum Grade of C-.

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THE 213 - Dramatic Literature

This course is an exploration of the history and genre of drama. By analyzing some of the best-known plays throughout theatre history and how they were performed, students will deepen their understanding of dramatic literature and performance. During the course students will decide on a particular area of research in order to write a critical analysis focusing on one or more play(s). The course culminates in a project focusing on one creative endeavor and reflecting on their chosen area of study. This course is appropriate for students in the Theater track or Humanities track, and also meets the general education Humanities or Art requirement.

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THE 215 - Scene Shop Practicum

Students will receive credit for working on the construction of scenic elements and providing other pre-production support for current productions. The course is open to all students and can be taken more than once. This course is graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory.

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THE 220 - Theatre His: Greeks Through 18th Century

This course surveys the global origins and development of theatre from its Antiquity to the 18th century within their historical, social, political and economic contexts. Theatre architecture, theatre technology, design concepts, acting styles, and significant dramatic works will be explored. Theatre traditions of non-Western cultures are also included. Prerequisite: ENG 101 This course carries SUNY General Education Humanities and World History and Global Awareness credit.Prerequisite: Take ENG-101 with a Minimum Grade of C-.

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THE 225 - Theatre History: Romantics Contemporary

This course surveys the global development of theatre from the late 18th century to the present within its historical, social, political and economic context. Theatre architecture, theatre technology, design concepts, acting styles, and significant dramatic works will be explored. The course also includes the discussion of theatre traditions of non-Western cultures. Prerequisites: ENG 101 This course carries SUNY General Education Humanities and World History and Global Awareness credit.Prerequisite: Take ENG-101 with a Minimum Grade of C-.

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THE 250 - Theatre Internship

Off-Campus work experiences allow students to receive college credit for working in the theatre. Internships can, but are not limited to, theatre management, production, or performance. Students can earn between 1 - 3 credit hours depending on the length of the internship and the number of hours worked.

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THE 299 - Independent Study

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