MAT 165 - Introduction to Data Science

This course covers techniques for working with data, including getting and cleaning data, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, and statistical modeling and prediction. Students will learn how to ask good questions, apply data to practical problems, and communicate data analytic results. Statistical computing is integrated into the course. This course carries SUNY General Education Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) credit.Prerequisite: Placement into Math Level 3 Placement or Take MAT 145 with

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MAT 180 - Mathematics/Elementary School Teachers I

This is the first of a two-course sequence designed for prospective elementary school teachers. The course presentation is informed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Process Standards, emphasizing problem solving, communication, reasoning and proof, representation, and mathematical connections. Students will explore mathematical concepts and theories underlying the topics which include: set theory; the history of numeration and different number systems, including other base numeration systems; operations on whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers; and elementary number theory. This course carries SUNY General Education Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) credit

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MAT 200 - Statistics

This statistics course is designed for an experienced mathematics student. It is a one semester course covering descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics included are measures of center; measures of dispersion; hypothesis testing; estimations for population means, proportions, and variance; determination of sample size; uses of the Chi-square distribution; analysis of variance; linear correlation and linear regression; and statistical research. The course will emphasize computer or calculator use (graphing calculator, Minitab, Excel, StatCrunch, etc.) to obtain results. This course carries SUNY General Education Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) creditPrerequisite: Placement into Math Level 3 or Take MAT 145 with

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MAT 220 - Discrete Mathematics for Computing

This course introduces students to ideas and techniques from mathematics that are widely used in computer science. Topics include the fundamentals of logic (propositional and predicate calculus), set theory, relations, recursive structures, and combinatorics. This course will increase students' mathematical sophistication and ability to handle abstract problems. This course carries SUNY General Education Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) credit.Prerequisite: Take MAT-271; with a Minimum Grade of C-

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MAT 260 - Topics in Mathematics

This course covers new topics in the field of mathematics or topics of interest that are not included, or only introduced in another mathematics course. The topics are then beyond the scope of standard MAT courses and are of interest to faculty and students. Some topics may include history of mathematics, advanced linear algebra, advanced statistics, game theory, graph theory or introduction to real analysis. This course can be taken more than once, as long as the content changes. Pre-requisites will vary depending on the topic. Students should consult with a member of the Mathematics department before enrolling.

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MAT 271 - Calculus I

A first course in Calculus focusing on the mathematics of changing rates. The derivative of polynomial and transcendental functions is investigated from a numerical, graphical, and algebraic approach. Applications and interpretations of derivatives are explored. An introduction to the definite integral and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is included in this course. Graphing utility is required.Prerequisite: Math Level 4 Placement or Take MAT-152 with

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MAT 272 - Calculus II

A continuation of the topics studied in Calculus I, in particular anti-differentiation and integration of functions and their applications. Also included are various techniques of integration, improper integrals, indeterminate limit forms, infinite series, Taylor polynomials, power series, and an introduction to differential equations. Graphing calculator required. This course carries SUNY General Education Mathematics (and Quantitative Reasoning) credit.Prerequisite: Complete MAT-271 with a minimum grade of C-.

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MAT 273 - Calculus III

The calculus of multivariable functions and vectors. Topics include partial differentiation, multiple integrals, optimization, multiple integration, line integrals and vector fields. Graphing calcultor required.Prerequisite: Take MAT-272 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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MAT 274 - Differential Equations

This course is an introductory survey of ordinary differential equations. First order differential equations and methods for obtaining solutions are investigated. Methods include integration, variation of parameters, and integrating factors. These methods are generalized for second order differential equations. Additional methods include numerical approximation, Laplace Transforms, and power series.Prerequisite: Take MAT-272 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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