ACC 101 - Principles of Financial Accounting

The emphasis of this introductory course is to develop an understanding of accounting information systems for the business entity and for the individual. The basic concepts, procedures, business documents, and financial statements are included as they relate to the accounting cycle. Analysis of business decisions for internal and external aspects of the business is stressed.

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ACC 102 - Principles of Managerial Accounting

This course is an introductory course in managerial accounting. Fundamentals cost accounting concepts, financial statement analysis, profitability analysis, budgeting and decision making issues will be discussed. Prerequisite: Take ACC-101 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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ACC 201 - Intermediate Accounting I

Intermediate Accounting I stresses a broader application of accounting principles. Theory is emphasized as it relates to valuation and changes in the financial position and operations of the business entity. Students will evaluate financial statements of business entities both quantitatively and qualitatively to expand their knowledge base regarding Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) while learning how to adapt to changes in the standards of accounting practice. Prerequisite: Take ACC-102 with a Minimum Grade of C- OR an A- or better,in ACC-101. ACC-102

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ACC 202 - Intermediate Accounting II

A continuation of ACC 201, stressing a broader application of principles in previous accounting courses. Prerequisite: Take ACC-201 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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ACC 207 - Income Tax Accounting

This course is designed to familiarize accounting students with aspects of income taxation of individuals and provide a foundation upon which they can act in either an advisory or functional capacity. Prerequisite: Take ACC-101 with a Minimum Grade of C-

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ACC 210 - Computer Applications in Accounting

This course provides an in-depth overview of current computer applications and how they can be used in the variety of accounting/business settings. Emphasis is placed on the more widely-used accounting packages (i.e. Quickbooks) in order perform the required tasks of an accountant (i.e. invoicing, accounts receivables and payable, auditing and control, payroll, taxes, financial statements, etc.). Prerequisite: Take ACC-101 with Minimum Grade of C-

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ACC 212 - Acct. for Gov. & Not-For-Profit Agencies

Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations (GNP) introduces students to the basic concepts and techniques of fund accounting and the financial reporting for governmental and not-for-profit entities. The course focuses on the structure and utilization of financial information as it relates to GNP, including the following: applying and identifying correct reporting and accounting standards for GNP; preparing fund basis and government-wide statements for local and state governments; and preparing financial statements for private not-for-profit organizations. Prerequisite: Take ACC-201 with a Minimum grade of C-

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ADM 100 - Introduction to Safety & Careers in ADM

This course is designed for anyone interested in gaining employment in an in-demand occupation in the advanced manufacturing field. Candidates include: incumbent workers, High School seniors, non-traditional learners seeking a career change or to enter this field, and apprentices seeking related instruction for their DOL Occupation. The content of this course prepares students to safely step into a production based workplace and enter into additional coursework for advanced manufacturing. Learners will become familiar with the type of Manufacturing companies, the characteristics of Advanced Manufacturing and types of productions facilities. They will learn how to work in safe and productive manner, perform safety and environmental inspections, perform emergency drills and participate in emergency teams, identify unsafe conditions and take corrective action, provide safety orientation for all employees, train personnel to use equipment safely, suggest processes and procedures that support safety of work environment, fulfill safety and health requirements for maintenance, installation and repair, monitor safe equipment and operator performance, and utilize effective safety-enhancing workplace practices. This hybrid course will include online and hands on portions to provide real world experience.

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ADM 200 - Foundations in ADM - Quality

This course is designed to serve those interested in entering the workforce for advanced manufacturing, incumbent workers of local companies, secondary HS seniors for technical skills development and apprentices in the local area that are required to gain related instruction for their DOL Occupation. The content of this course prepares students to safely step into a production-based workplace and enter into additional coursework for advanced manufacturing. The content includes: participating in periodic internal quality audit activities, checking calibration of gauges and other data collection equipment, suggesting continuous improvements, inspecting materials and product/process at all stages to ensure they meet specifications, documenting the results of quality tests, communicating quality problems, taking corrective actions to restore or maintain quality, recording process outcomes and trends, identifying fundamentals of blueprint reading, and using common measurement systems and precision measurement tools. Co-requisite: ADM 100

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ADM 205 - Foundations in ADM-Production

This course is designed to serve those interested in entering the workforce for advanced manufacturing, incumbent workers of local companies, secondary HS seniors for technical skills development and apprentices in the local area that are required to gain related instruction for their DOL Occupation. The content of this course prepares students to safely step into a production based workplace and enter into additional coursework for advanced manufacturing. The content for manufacturing processes and production includes: identifying customer needs, determining resources available for the production process, setting up equipment for the production processes, setting up team production goals, make job assignments, coordinate work flow with team members and other work groups, communication production and material requirements and product specifications, document product and process compliance with customer requirements and prepare final product for shipping and distribution. Co-requisite: ADM-100

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