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What can we help you find?

Report a Change to Your Income

If your family's financial situation has changed significantly since 2022, like losing a job or other major life events, we can help. Our staff can review your new situation and possibly adjust your financial aid.

Let us know what's going on, and we'll help guide you through the application and what documents to submit to support your request.

Special Circumstances Examples:

  • Significant loss or reduction of employment or income.
  • Legal separation or divorce since 2022.
  • Death of a parent or spouse since 2022.
  • Substantial medical or dental expenses that were not covered by insurance.
  • One-time lump sum payment resulting in higher than typical income.
  • Loss of taxable/untaxable income (i.e., child support, social security, alimony, worker's compensation).
  • Natural disaster that creates an undue financial hardship.

We cannot consider appeals for consumer indebtedness, reductions in income due to fluctuating commissions, or discretionary personal expenses.

How to File a Request:

Contact the One Stop Center and speak to one of our advisors. You will be asked to describe the circumstances that have impacted your family's financial situation and then advise you if your circumstances warrant an appeal and provide you with a link to the electronic application.

Important Notes:

A review of special circumstances is for federal aid purposes only. New York State eligibility will not be changed.

Submission of this request does not guarantee a change to your financial aid eligibility. You must adhere to all payment due dates and deadlines on your Student Account.

Depending on your financial situation, some students may see no change in aid or simply a loan offer change — i.e., an unsubsidized student loan changing to a subsidized loan.

All requests must be submitted with the supporting documentation requested on the appeal form. Additional documentation may be required.

Requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis with all decisions considered final.

Appeal forms should be submitted through MyFLCC and should never be emailed to the One Stop or Financial Aid Office.

Contact Us

One Stop Center

Room: 1045


For questions related to financial aid, please contact the One Stop Center as your first point of contact. They will guide your next steps.

Federal College code: 007532
State College code: 2256