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Rochester Area Colleges Cross Registration

As a member of the Rochester Area Colleges, Inc. (RAC), Finger Lakes Community College participates in the cross-registration program.

Full time matriculated students at Finger Lakes Community College are entitled to register without additional tuition in courses offered by any member of the Rochester Area Colleges, Inc. (RAC) on a space available basis.

Member colleges include:

The following limitations apply to the cross registration:

  1. The student must be enrolled at Finger Lakes Community College for 12 or more credits.
  2. The course is not being offered at Finger Lakes Community College during the semester, and it is applicable to the student's degree program. All necessary prerequisites for the course must be met.
  3. The course must be taken in the Spring or Fall semester. The cross registration policy does not apply to Winter Session or Summer courses.
  4. The student must receive approval from the Associate Vice President of Instruction and Assessment, or the Registrar.
  5. Permission must be received from the College where the course is offered. The student is responsible for any fees assessed by the College where the course is being taken. Cross registration forms are available at the One Stop Center. Any full-time visiting student from a participating Rochester Area Colleges, who has approval from their home school and FLCC to register for FLCC courses, will have the student tuition waived. Course specific fees are not waived and must be paid by the student.
  6. Visiting student RAC Inter-Institutional forms are only accepted for courses that are not offered at the student's home institution, and must be received before the end of the add period for the semester (typically the second Friday of the semester).

Details and registration forms are available at the One Stop Center.

One Stop Center

Contact Us

One Stop Center

Room: 1045


Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Walk-ins Welcome.

Remote Services are currently available. Please contact us by email or phone.