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Placement Testing

FLCC uses placement tests to determine your level of proficiency level in various subjects. We use the results to place you in the most appropriate courses for your skill level.

Who Needs to Take a Placement Test?

  • Students enrolling in programs with math prerequisites
  • Students enrolling in our music or music recording technology programs
  • International students

About the Tests

FLCC administers online placement tests in English, math, and music. Testing takes place remotely and requires access to a computer with a webcam for the duration of the test. The placement test is not timed and there is no way to fail. Our goal is to make sure we place you in an appropriate class for your skill level.

  • The math placement test measures your ability to solve college-level math problems.

    This 20-question test includes concepts such as:

    • Linear equations and applications
    • Factoring
    • Quadratics
    • Functions
    • Radical and rational equations
    • Polynomial equations
    • Exponential and logarithmic equations
    • Geometry concepts
    • Trigonometry

    Note: A calculator is not allowed on the math test.

    Math Testing Exemptions

    You may be exempt from math placement testing if:

    • You have earned college credit for a college-level math course (algebra-calculus) through FLCC or another institution. Your college transcripts will be evaluated for placement into the appropriate math course.
    • You are currently in high school or graduated within the last four years. Your high school transcript will be evaluated for placement into the appropriate math course.

    How to Prepare

    Study for your placement test using the free ACCUPLACER Practice App. This app includes practice questions and explanations for correct and incorrect answers.

    • Create your account
    • Select "Next-Generation Practice Tests"
    • Choose "learn as you go" to receive immediate feedback or "sample test" for uninterrupted testing.

    View Practice Math Test Questions 

  • The music placement test measures your knowledge of music theory principles.

    Music and music recording students are required to take a 35-question music theory placement test. Students who score 13 or higher on the test may begin taking the required Music Theory and Techniques of Audio Recording courses. Students scoring below 13 will require an additional semester or more to complete their degrees.

    Music Testing Exemptions

    Every student entering our Music and Music Recording programs must take this assessment.

    How to Prepare for the Music Placement Test

    Prepare for your music placement test with FLCC's sample theory exam.

  • Standard English Placement Process

    Your grade point average in high school determines which first-year writing course(s) you'll take:

    • If your high school grade point average was 75 or above, you will be placed directly into ENG 101, Composition I.
    • If your high school grade point average was 74 or below, you will be placed into ENG 095, Analytical Reading and Writing, taken together with ENG 101.
    • If you disagree with your placement into ENG 095, you may choose to write the English Placement Challenge Essay.

    English Placement Challenge Essay

    The English Placement Challenge Essay is an assessment of your reading and writing ability. You explain why you think English 101 is the best starting point for your current skill level. Once completed, your essay will be sent to an expert instructor who will read it and recommend your course placement. Only one English Placement Challenge Essay is allowed per student.

  • Use our self-assessment guidelines to determine which world languages course to take.

    We offer courses in Spanish, French, and American Sign Language (ASL) at multiple levels of proficiency. By accurately assessing your skill level, you'll be able to avoid being placed in a course that is too easy or too difficult for you. Our goal is to provide you with a challenging yet enjoyable learning experience that will enable you to achieve your language learning goals.

    World Languages Placement Guide

  • The Ability to Benefit Test evaluates your college readiness in reading, writing, and math.

    The test is not timed but often takes between 2-3 hours to complete. You must finish all three parts in the same test session.

    • Reading — 20 questions (minimum passing score is 233)
    • Writing — 25 questions (minimum passing score is 235)
    • Math — 20 questions (minimum passing score is 230)

    Note: No personal calculators are allowed for the test, but there will be a calculator in the test that you can use.

    How to Prepare

    Study for your placement test using the free ACCUPLACER Practice App. This app includes practice questions and explanations for correct and incorrect answers.

    • Create your account
    • Select "Next-Generation Practice Tests"
    • Focus on the reading, writing, and arithmetic tests
    • Choose "learn as you go" to receive immediate feedback or "sample test" for uninterrupted testing.

    View Reading Questions  View Writing Questions  View Math Questions

Note: Submit your high school and college transcripts and your SAT/ACT scores to the Admissions office before registration.

How to Schedule Your Placement Test

Scheduling your placement test is built into our college admissions process. If you are required to take one of the placement tests listed above, follow these three steps:

  1. Apply for admission to FLCC.
  2. Once admitted, sign up for New Student Registration. We will contact you to schedule an appointment as needed.
  3. Email if you have questions. This is only necessary when you need to schedule a test outside of the standard process.

If you are not matriculating to the college and need placement testing, contact This only applies to a small number of non-degree-seeking students.

Contact Us

Placement Testing

Academic Advising, Career and Transfer Services

Room: 1115


Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.